

  1. Members' roll call
  2. Opening address and report by the Chairperson
  3. Confirmation of minutes for the General Assembly held on 2 December 2021
  4. Presentation of the Treasurer’s Report and RSPO’s financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2022 by the Treasurer, Tim Stephenson
  5. Voting for the proposed resolutions and announcement of the results
  6. Voting for the Board of Governors elections and announcement of the results
  7. Any other business



Activity Date
GA19 Online registration starts 3 November 2022
Advance E-Voting starts 3 November 2022
GA19 Online Registration ends and submission of Proxy form ends 25 November 2022, 1500 hours (GMT+8)
Advance E-Voting closes 29 November 2022, 1500 hours (GMT+8)
Virtual GA19 convenes & live voting 1 December 2022, 1500 hours (GMT+8)


GA19 registration will open on 3 November 2022 via

Upon receiving your submission, we will verify your registration details before sending a confirmation email with instructions to access the E-Voting platform.

Members have the option to cast their votes during the advance E-Voting period or live voting at the in person or virtual GA19.

Members who have performed advance E-Voting and wish to attend the GA proceedings kindly log in to the live webcast or attend the meeting in person.

For non-voting participants who wish to attend the GA proceedings, kindly register as an observer and instructions will be provided to you by email to join the live webcast or attend the meeting in person.


Ordinary members who are unable to attend the GA may appoint a proxy. If you choose to appoint a person other than a Board of Governor or the Chairperson, you are responsible to inform the person you are appointing as the proxy holder and he/she must be attending the GA in person.
All proxy forms must be submitted by 25 November 2022, 3:00 PM (GMT+8).